
  • ADLock RIM-18 FAQ:

    ADLock RIM-18 FAQ:

  • Hardware Installation FAQs

  • How to install the Smart RIM-Lock, BRL18, correctly? Why the RIM-Lock did not detect the “Lock State” when RIM-Lock is in lock position?

    The conventional RIM Lock does not depend on door's sensor to detect "Lock / Unlock" states, but Smart RIM-Lock need door's sensor for automation to work properly.In order to allow the RIM Lock door's sensor detect "Lock / Unlock" state, please use following "Recommend Distance (millimeters)”: Door Frame-Door Edge is 5 mm / Door Edge-Cylinder Hole Center is 60 mm. The "Door Edge-Cylinder Hole Center should not exceed 60 mm or total distance from Door Frame should not exceed 65 mm, because "Lock State of sensor" cannot be detected correctly.

    BRL18 recommend distance

  • EZSmart App FAQs

  • How to use EZSmart App to calibrate “RIM Lock's sensor”?

    BRL18 notation abcd


    A: "Hexagonal nut" for loading spring adjustment against the door sensor (only minor distance adjustment).

    B: Cylinder Head against the door sensor for Lock / Unlock State. C: Self-adhesive Foam Pads. When "Door Frame - Cylinder Center Hole" is greater than 65mm, you can use "Self-adhesive Foam Pads" to compensate the space issues.

    D: RIM-Lock sensor pin. The "Cylinder Head" touch the sensor pin dose not turn-off mechanical switch, only when "Cylinder Head" press against sensor body (shut-off state) to trigger "Lock State".

    Traditional RIM Lock does not depend on door's sensor to detect "Lock / Unlock" states,Smart RIM-Lock need door's sensor for automation to work properly. Please use these steps to calibrate the BRL18 RIM-Lock:

    Step1: Please complete the RIM-Lock registration processes.

    Step2: When physical RIM-Lock is in unlock position, EZSmart App should show Green Unlock State icon.

    Step3: When physical RIM-Lock is in lock position, EZSmart App should show Red Lock State icon.

    Step4: If "Step3" shows the Green Unlock State, please adjust "Hexagonal nut" first or loosed four mounting screws and push RIM- Lock metal box to the door edge and tie-up four screws. Make sure you can get Red Lock State icon every time.

    Step5: If you can get more than 50% of Red Lock State icon from Step4. You could add "Self-adhesive Foam Pads" for final adjustment.

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